Instrumental Music

Releases in chronological order

There's a Rhythm in the Fucking Rain

Composition by physicist and pianist Giovanni Chesi. Piece with a beating and pressing rhythm shot at World Music Studio and Live. credits

Ambra dei crepuscoli

Rhapsodic piece by Giovanni Chesi, with continuous structural changes alternating with wide-ranging moments. credits

A una passante

Piano piece by physicist Giovanni Chesi, recorded and filmed in Alari Park Studios in April 2019. credits

Senza te (Instrumental)

The instrumental version of the pop orchestral single 'Senza te', performed by Giusy Gramaglia in 2018. credits

Susanna nella valle delle mele gialle

Composition by physicist Giovanni Chesi, released in 2018. An evocative piece of the burlesque style and piano scherzo. credits 

Le vent se lève

Composition by physicist Giovanni Chesi, released in 2017. Piano piece with a chromatic and impressionist trait. credits

Palazzo di Giustizia

Composition by physicist Giovanni Chesi, released in 2016. Piano piece with a minimalist character. credits